Short-tailed Babbler/ Mourning Babbler
The Mourning Babbler, previously the Short-tailed Babbler, is a species of bird in the ground babbler family Pellorneidae. A long-legged babbler with an almost nonexistent stump for a tail, found in primary and secondary evergreen lowland and foothill forest.
It is found in the Malay Peninsula, Anambas Islands, Sumatra, Banyak Islands, Batu Islands, Riau Islands, Lingga Islands and the Natuna Islands.
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Black-browed Barbet
The Black-browed is an Asian barbet native to Peninsular Malaysia & Sumatra, where it inhabits foremost forests between 600 and 2,000 m altitude. A loud but sluggish & difficult-to-see canopy inhabitant of highland forests in peninsular Malaysia & Sumatra. Note the leaf-green body, brightly coloured face, & heavy black bill. More often heard than seen; listen for its long, unending series of hollow-sounding notes. Like many other barbets, it can be difficult to locate when singing, but can sometimes be seen at fruiting trees. Formerly regarded as the same species as Taiwan, Indochinese, and Chinese Barbets.
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Black-and-Yellow Broadbill
The Eurylaimidae are a family of passerine birds that occur from the eastern Himalayas to Indonesia and the Philippines. These strikingly patterned broadbills of Asia are forest canopy birds, often revealed only by their throaty staccato calls. The Near Threatened Black-and-Yellow Broadbill (Eurylaimus ochromalus) is utterly unmistakable in its costume of black, white, yellow & pink. It has a wide, deep-based bill, typical of the broadbills, in bright blue. Forages at middle to high levels in lowland and hill forests, frequently moving with mixed-species flocks and sallying out from a perch. Song is disproportionately loud, a series of high-pitched coos that increases in pitch and speed, turning into a maddened series of loud whistles.
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Ferruginous Babbler
The Old World Babblers are a family of passerine birds diverse in size and coloration, characterised by soft fluffy plumage. These are birds of tropical areas, with the greatest variety in Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent. This group is among those Old World bird families with the highest number of species still being discovered.
The ferruginous babbler is a species of bird in the family Pellorneidae. It is found in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests. It is a reddish-brown babbler with white underparts. It forages in small flocks in the lower and middle levels of lowland and lower foothill forests.
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Crimson-winged Woodpecker
This is a greenish medium-sized woodpecker with bright red wings, crown & a striking yellow crest, cream-speckled sides, and pale blue-gray “spectacles”. It inhabits both primary & secondary forests, from lowlands into lower montane areas, as well as plantations & logged tracts favouring areas with scattered and isolated tall trees. It forages on trunks and large branches in the upper story, often in distanced pairs or mixed flocks.
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Rufous-backed Dwarf-Kingfisher
A tiny and unbelievably cute kingfisher: a luminous ball of pink, orange, yellow, and varying amounts of blue and purple. A brightly-coloured back distinguishes this species from the closely related Black-backed Dwarf-Kingfisher. It forages in shaded patches of dense vegetation, in mangroves, overgrown edge, or deep lowland and foothill forest. It is often near shallow forest streams and small pools.
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Blue-eared Kingfisher
The Blue-eared Kingfisher is a diminutive dark blue kingfisher with no rufous on the ear-patch. It has an orange spot in front of the eye, white ear tufts on the sides of the neck, and an ultramarine-blue head and neck with darker blue bands giving it a scaly appearance. The upper parts are a glossy dark blue with paler blue central band down the back to the rump. A white chin and throat with deep orange underparts. The males have black bill with brownish-red base, while the females have almost entirely red bill. The juveniles also have dark blue upper parts, but rufous cheeks and ear-coverts similar to the Common Kingfisher. They inhabit well-shaded waterways in forested areas.
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Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush
The Near Threatened Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush (Garrulax mitratus), also known as the spectacled laughingthrush, is a species of bird in the family Leiothrichidae. It is found in Sumatra (Indonesia) and the Thai-Malay Peninsula. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical moist montane forests.
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