Steller's Sea Eagle
The Steller’s Sea Eagle is one of the most remarkable birds I have seen. Though familiar in summer to native peoples of the Russian Far East, of the Aleutian Islands and even south-west Alaska, & in winter to those in northern Japan, it was unknown to western ornithologists until the late 18th century.
Standing a metre tall, with a wingspan approaching 3m & weighing as much as 9 kg, it is arguably among the largest eagles in the world (and certainly one of the biggest three or four).
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Tigers of Kabini
The presence of a tiger changes the jungle around it, and those changes are easier to detect. Bird calls darken, small deer call softly to each other. Herds do not run but drift into shapes that suggest some emerging group consciousness of an escape route. A kind of shiver seems to run through everything, a low hum that sounds — literally, in the whispered Hindi conversation of the guides — like sher, sher, sher! This zone of apprehension follows the tiger as it moves. Often, the best way to find a cat is to switch off your engine and listen. You might then hear, from a distance, the subtle changes in pitch and cadence that indicate a boundary of the zone. But even then, it is impossible to predict where, or if, the tiger will appear.
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Tryst with a leopard
The elusive leopard, a ghost of the forests, is often hailed as its most elegant dweller. Its gleaming rosettes catch the sunlight as it prowls through the brush or stalks down a tree. Shy, bashful and elusive, it demands numerous hours spent searching in the forests and, more often than not, one returns unsuccessful. The very lifestyle of a leopard has it living on the run from the larger predators like the royal bengal tigers and intelligent, vicious pack hunters like the dhole in India. Here is one of the magnificent leopards of Kabini.
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Siberian Rubythroat
The Siberian rubythroat (Calliope calliope) is a small passerine bird generally considered to be an Old World Flycatcher. The rubythroat and similar small European species are often called chats. A perky, long-legged songbird that winters in areas with dense understory coverage, often near wet areas; it breeds in open taiga and highland forest clearings.
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The Old World Flycatchers are a large family, the Muscicapidae, of small passerine birds mostly restricted to the Old World (Europe, Africa and Asia). These are mainly small arboreal insectivores, many of which, as the name implies, take their prey on the wing. The family includes 324 species and is divided into 51 genera. Niltava (from niltau, Nepali for Niltava sundara) is from the subfamily Niltavinae.
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