Behind the lens

a blog every Friday on a specific species of animal or bird and stories of photos

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Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Changeable Hawk-Eagle/ Crested Hawk-Eagle

A medium-sized eagle with massive rounded wings. It appears very small-headed in flight. Their name is misleading, as there are only really two color morphs, pale and black. The pale-morph adult is dark brown above with a white breast overlaid with dark streaks. While the dark morph is dark all over with paler outer wing feathers, and can be mistaken for dark Honey-Buzzards. They inhabit forests, forest edges, and expansive parks and plantations.

#wildartworks, #kabini, #tadoba, #TadobaTigerReserve, #jungle, #raptors, #wild, #forest, #wildlife, #wildlifephotography, #nilgiribiosphere, #nagarholetigerreserve, #kabinibackwaters, #tipeshwar, #tipeshwarwildlifesanctuary, #conservationphotography, #indian_wildlifes, #indianwildlifeofficial, #wildlifeonearth, #bbcearth, #natgeowild, #natgeoindia, #changeablehawkeagle, #crestedhawkeagle, #eagle, #hawk, #tropicalraptor,

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Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Eastern Imperial Eagle

The final chapter of the eagles of Kumbhargaon is about the rare Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca), which is quite a large eagle. With its two metre wingspan, the flight of the Eastern imperial eagle is a striking sight.

After decades of persecution by humans, the Eastern imperial eagle is now one of Europe’s rarest raptors with a small and declining global population, loss of habitat and prey. It has therefore been IUCN Red Listed as Vulnerable since 1994.

#wildartworks, #natgeowild, #grasslands, #Wintermigrants, #Kumbhargaon, #Bhigwan, #birdinginthewild, #birdphotography, #conservationphotography, #BhigwanBirdSanctuary, #easternimperialeagle, #eagle

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Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Greater Spotted Eagle

Continuing my series on the eagles of Kumbhargaon, this second post is about the Greater Spotted Eagle (Clanga clanga), seen in the shallow wetlands area around Bhigwan and the River Bhima. This area is vast and unique with diverse habitats ranging from the shallow wetland ecosystem of the Ujni backwaters to the surrounding rich farmlands and dry deciduous scrub forest with interspersed grasslands. 

#wildartworks, #natgeowild #SteppeEagle #grasslands #Wintermigrants #Kumbhargaon #Bhigwan, #birdinginthewild, #birdphotography, #conservationphotography, #BhigwanBirdSanctuary, #greaterspottedeagle, #spottedeagle, #eagle

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Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Steppe Eagle

Kumbhargaon is a nondescript village in the Satara district to the south of Bhigwan, a quaint, small and rugged town on the border of the Pune and Solapur districts in Maharashtra, in India. But during its mild winters, Kumbhargaon, Bhigwan and its surrounding areas become the home of countless migratory birds making it the “Bharatpur of Maharashtra”. The area around Bhigwan and the River Bhima is vast and unique with diverse habitats ranging from the shallow wetland ecosystem of the Ujni backwaters to the surrounding rich farmlands and dry deciduous scrub forest with interspersed grasslands. 

This blog on the Steppe Eagle is the first of a three eagle series from Kumbhargaon.

#wildartworks, #natgeowild #SteppeEagle #grasslands #Wintermigrants #Kumbhargaon #Bhigwan, #birdinginthewild, #birdphotography, #conservationphotography, #eagle, #BhigwanBirdSanctuary

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