Yellow-eyed Babbler
A passerine bird native to South & SE Asia inhabiting shrubland, grassland and wetland habitats. An odd-looking babbler which looks and behaves like a prinia on steroids. Brown above and white below with rufous wingtips with a unique red eyering. Scrambles about in reed beds, scrub, field edges, and grassy meadows in small flocks and pairs. Scales stems like a parrotbill and hangs acrobatically like a tit or leaf warbler. Strident, melodic song has a somewhat hoarse, nasal quality. Calls include repeated descending whistles, energetic chattering, and dry chittering.
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Scaly-breasted Munia/ Spotted Munia
An attractive small songbird of grasslands, gardens, fields & agricultural areas. It is native to India and SE Asia, with introduced populations scattered elsewhere around the world. Typical adults are a dark chestnut-brown above, white below, with a fine dark scaly pattern on the belly. Typically found in small flocks, sometimes mixed with other species of munia.
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Indian Nightjar
The Indian nightjar (Caprimulgus asiaticus) is a cryptically -coloured small nightbird which is a resident breeder in open lands across South Asia and Southeast Asia. Note the white “moustache” streak, golden-brown collar, and pointed buff-and-black feathers above the wing. The male shows bright white patches near the wingtips and on the tail-tips in flight. They are found in a range of wooded habitats, from hilly dry forest to garden edges.
Like most nightjars it is crepuscular and is best detected from its characteristic calls at dawn and dusk that have been likened to a stone skipping on a frozen lake - a series of clicks that become shorter and more rapid. There is considerable plumage variation across its range and can be hard to differentiate from other nightjars in the region especially in the field.
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Blue Rock Thrush
The Blue Rock Thrush (Monticola solitarius) is a species of chat. This thrush-like Old World flycatcher breeds in southern Europe, northwest Africa, and from Central Asia to northern China and Malaysia. The blue rock thrush is the official national bird of Malta (the word for it in Maltese being Merill).
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Rufous Treepie
A long- and stiff-tailed bird of the crow family - Corvidae - with primarily rusty-brown upperparts and dull orangish underparts. The head, mantle, and neck region are a dull, sooty black. The long graduated tail is pale gray with a wide black terminal band. Note the conspicuous silvery-gray, white, and black patterns on the wings. This treepie is found in a wide range of habitats from woodlands to scrubby patches, singly or in pairs feeding in the treetops.
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Common Iora
The common iora is a small passerine bird found across the tropical Indian subcontinent & Southeast Asia, with populations showing plumage variations, some of which are designated as subspecies. A species found in scrub and forest, it is easily detected from its loud whistles and bright colours.
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Brown-breasted Flycatcher
A dull but rather cute flycatcher, with large white-framed eyes. It is dark brown above & white below with a gray head, brown flanks, and two distinct dark “moustache” lines. It exhibits typical flycatcher behaviour, swooping out from a perch in the middle to lower levels of forest.
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Puff-throated Babbler
The Puff-throated Babbler is a medium-sized babbler, often encountered foraging in noisy, lively flocks on or around the forest floor. It occurs from lowlands up into hilly and mountainous forests often spotted flipping leaves on the ground in foraging flocks.
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