Gray Heron
The Gray Heron (Ardea cinerea) is a long-legged wading bird of the heron family, Ardeidae, native throughout temperate Europe and Asia, and also parts of Africa. Generally quite common and conspicuous in wetland habitats from marshes and tidal flats to small ponds, ditches, and wet fields; nests colonially in tall trees. Mainly seen as singles or in small groups, standing quietly in or at the edge of water, less often hunting in fields. Plumage is mostly gray overall, with paler neck; the adult has white crown, black eyebrows, and a black shoulder patch. Like other herons and egrets, flies with neck pulled in to form a bulge.
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Black-naped Oriole
The black-naped oriole is a passerine bird in the oriole family that is found in many parts of Asia. A typical yellow and black Old World oriole, the male is entirely golden-yellow apart from black wings & tail and a broad black band through the eyes. The tail and wings have yellow tips and the bill is deep pinkish. The female is similar to the male but with more yellowish-green upperparts. Juveniles show streaked underparts. They are found in a variety of forest habitats, including plantations and gardens; foraging in the forest canopy. There are several distinctive populations within the wide distribution range of this species and in the past the slender-billed oriole was included as a subspecies.
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Asian Koel
The Asian Koel is a large shy bird, distinctive in all plumages, usually secretive, keeping to the interior of dense trees in many habitats belonging to the cuckoo order of birds, the Cuculiformes. It is found in the Indian Subcontinent, China & Southeast Asia. It forms a superspecies with the closely related black-billed koels, and Pacific koels which are sometimes treated as subspecies. This is a bird without borders, frequently heard but rarely seen.
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Painted Stork
The painted stork is a large wader in the stork family with a long yellow bill that curves down at the tip. It is found in the wetlands of the plains of tropical Asia south of the Himalayas in the Indian Subcontinent and extending into Southeast Asia. Their distinctive pink tertial feathers of the adults give them their name.
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Long-tailed Shrike
The Long-tailed Shrike or rufous-backed shrike (Lanius schach) is a member of the bird family Laniidae, the shrikes. They are found widely distributed across Asia and there are variations in plumage across the range.
The Long-tailed Shrike is a large, noisy shrike typical of open habitats across Asia. The adults have a dark mask and a light gray upper back with a variable amount of orange on lower back and flanks. The eastern subspecies has complete black cap with the melanistic form having more extensive dark mask & being darker overall. The juveniles difficult to separate from other juvenile shrikes. Gives loud, screeching calls; also mimics other birds.
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Greater Flameback Woodpecker
The Greater Flameback Woodpecker is a common, four-toed, large-billed, golden-backed woodpecker found in wet tropical & subtropical forests across South & Southeast Asia. Separated from the group of “small-billed” flamebacks by a much larger bill, a mottled black-and-white nape instead of a black nape, and a divided black horizontal stripe below the cheek. Separated from the similarly large-billed White-naped Woodpecker by a red rump, the lack of a clean white nape, and a preference for wetter habitat. The Greater Flameback is a loose participant in mixed-species foraging flocks, often detected by its loud, high-pitched trill similar to that of Common Flameback.
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Indian White-eye/ Oriental White-eye
The Oriental white-eye (Zosterops palpebrosus) is a small passerine bird with yellowish olive upper parts, a white eye ring, yellow throat and vent in the white-eye family. It is a resident breeder in open woodland in tropical Asia, east from the Indian subcontinent to Southeast Asia, extending to Indonesia and Malaysia. Foraging in small groups, they feed on nectar and small insects. They are easily identified by the distinctive white eye-ring and overall yellowish upperparts. Several populations of this widespread species are named subspecies and some have distinctive variations in the extent and shades of yellows in their plumage.
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