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Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Rufous-browed Flycatcher

The rufous-browed flycatcher is a unique-looking flycatcher with a gleamingly clean white throat & a strong rusty orange tinge to the brow and forehead. There is an overlap with the closely related White-gorgeted Flycatcher but it lacks that species’s gray face & black border to the white throat patch. It inhabits foothill and montane forests, where it forages close to the ground in lower vegetation.

#wildartworks, #Canon, #PromediagearTR424L, #Bird, #Birdinginthewild, #BirdWatching, #Wildlife, #WildBirds, #naturephotography, #your_best_birds, #planetbirds, #earthcapture, #photo_pond, #earthpix, #naturyst, #conservationphotography, #wildlifeonearth, #bbcearth, #natgeowild, #natgeoindia,, #animalsofinstagram, @globalcapture, #rufousbrowedflycatcher, #flycatcher, #BukitFraser, #FrasersHill, #Malaysia, #muscicapidae

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Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Black-throated Babbler

The Old World Babblers are a family of passerine birds diverse in size and coloration, characterised by soft fluffy plumage. These are birds of tropical areas, with the greatest variety in Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent. This group is among those Old World bird families with the highest number of species still being discovered.

The near threatened Black-throated Babbler (Stachyris nigricollis) is a species of bird in the Timaliidae family. It is found in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical swamps. It is threatened by habitat loss.

#wildartworks, #Canon, #Babbler, #birdinginthewild, #birdphotography, #Timaliidae, #Malaysia, #blackthroatedbabbler, #nearthreatened, #Malaysia, #Congkak, #HuluLangat, #Lanchang, #KrauWildlifeReserve, #conservationphotography

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Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Brown-cheeked Fulvetta

The brown-cheeked fulvetta is a resident breeding bird in Bangladesh, India & Southeast Asia. This species, like most babblers, is not migratory, and has short rounded wings and a weak flight. Its habitat is undergrowth in moist forests and scrub jungle.

An unapologetically drab and unmarked fulvetta, it is often seen in association with mixed-species foraging flocks. Brown with a gray wash to the head; Southeast Asian birds have a thin black brow line that Indian birds lack. Lacks the bright white eyering and more prominent brow stripe of Nepal and Yunnan Fulvettas.

#wildartworks, #Canon, #Bird, #Birdinginthewild, #BirdWatching, #Wildlife, #WildBirds, #naturephotography, #your_best_birds, #planetbirds, #earthcapture, #photo_pond, #earthpix, #naturyst, #conservationphotography, #yesbbcearth, #wildlifeonearth, #bbcearth, #natgeowild, #natgeoindia, #browncheekedfulvetta, #birdinginthewild, #birdphotography, #thailand, #KaengKrachanNationalPark, #babbler, #DoiInthanonNationalPark, #fulvetta,

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Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Long-tailed Shrike

The Long-tailed Shrike or rufous-backed shrike (Lanius schach) is a member of the bird family Laniidae, the shrikes. They are found widely distributed across Asia and there are variations in plumage across the range.

The Long-tailed Shrike is a large, noisy shrike typical of open habitats across Asia. The adults have a dark mask and a light gray upper back with a variable amount of orange on lower back and flanks. The eastern subspecies has complete black cap with the melanistic form having more extensive dark mask & being darker overall. The juveniles difficult to separate from other juvenile shrikes. Gives loud, screeching calls; also mimics other birds.

#wildartworks, #Canon, #Bird, #Birdinginthewild, #BirdWatching, #Wildlife, #WildBirds, #naturephotography, #your_best_birds, #planetbirds, #earthcapture, #photo_pond, #earthpix, #naturyst, #conservationphotography, #yesbbcearth, #wildlifeonearth, #bbcearth, #natgeowild, #natgeoindia,, @globalcapture, #thailand, #longtailedshrike, #shrike, #chiangmai, #fang, #doisanju, #doiluang, #Chincholi, #chincholiwildlifesanctuary, #karnataka, #telangana, #chincholireserveforest

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Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Large Scimitar Babbler

The Old World Babblers are a family of passerine birds diverse in size and coloration, characterised by soft fluffy plumage. These are birds of tropical areas, with the greatest variety in Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent. This group is among those Old World bird families with the highest number of species still being discovered. I also included Pnoepygidae as they have long been placed in the babbler family Timaliidae. Featured here is the Large Scimitar Babbler from Kaeng Krachan National Park.

The Large Scimitar Babbler is a handsome and slightly primal-looking babbler of wooded areas, thick fields, and bamboo tangles, wherever there is extensive cover. Angular chestnut crescent behind the ear, combined with the smattering of silver spots behind it, a white throat, and dark eyes, is unique. Forages on the ground and in the understory, usually in pairs or small flocks; does not usually form large flocks as do many other scimitar-babblers.

#wildartworks, #Canon, #Babbler, #largescimitarbabbler, #birdinginthewild, #birdphotography, #Timaliidae, #thailand, #KaengKrachanNationalPark, #DoiInthanonNationalPark, #scimitarbabbler,

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Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Asian Green Bee-eater

The Asian green bee-eater, also known as little green bee-eater, and green bee-eater in Sri Lanka, is a near passerine bird in the bee-eater family. It is resident but prone to seasonal movements and is found widely distributed across Asia from coastal southern Iran east through the Indian subcontinent to Vietnam.

#wildartworks, #Canon, #Bird, #Birdinginthewild, #BirdWatching, #Wildlife, #WildBirds, #naturephotography, #your_best_birds, #planetbirds, #earthcapture, #photo_pond, #earthpix, #naturyst, #conservationphotography, #yesbbcearth, #indian_wildlifes, #indianwildlifeofficial, #wildlifeonearth, #bbcearth, #natgeowild, #natgeoindia, @globalcapture, #NarsapurForest, #greenbeeeater, #beeeater, #TelanganaBirds, #ICRISAT, #HCU, #zaheerabad, #chincholiwildlifesanctuary, #manjeerawildlifesanctuary, #manjirawildlifesanctuary, #manjeera, #manjira, #nallagandlalake,

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Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

White-tailed Eagle

The white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) is a very large species of sea eagle widely distributed across temperate Eurasia. A massive raptor with a rather long, heavy bill; broad, plank-like wings; and relatively short, graduated tail. Looks like a flying barn door and soars with wings rather level (not slightly raised like Golden Eagle). Its plumage is dark overall and the adult has a paler brown head and body, white tail, yellowish bill. The immature starts with a mostly brown tail streaked white, blackish bill; and attains its fully white tail in about 4 years. Generally uncommon, mainly found along seacoasts and larger rivers (feeds predominantly on fish).

#wildartworks, #natgeowild #WhitetailedEagle #DriftIce #Winter #Rausu #SeaofOkhotsk, #birdinginthewild, #birdphotography, #conservationphotography, #Hokkaido, #raptor, #eagle

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Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee Wildlife, Bird Photography Siddhartha Mukherjee

Streaked Spiderhunter

The Streaked Spiderhunter (Arachnothera magna) is a large and noisy inhabitant of tropical & subtropical hill forests. Distinctive in its range it is a large spiderhunter with a long, curved black bill and black streaking all over its yellow-green upperparts and lighter yellow underparts. It gleans invertebrates from foliage, but also hovers around and probes into flowers for nectar. Often moves with mixed flocks calling frequently.

#wildartworks, #Canon, #PromediagearTR424L, #Bird, #Birdinginthewild, #BirdWatching, #Wildlife, #WildBirds, #naturephotography, #your_best_birds, #planetbirds, #earthcapture, #photo_pond, #earthpix, #naturyst, #conservationphotography, #wildlifeonearth, #bbcearth, #natgeowild, #natgeoindia,, #animalsofinstagram, @globalcapture, #streakedspiderhunter, #spiderhunter, #BukitFraser, #FrasersHill, #Malaysia

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