Indian Courser
The Indian Courser is an elegant and stately large plover-like bird. It has an erect posture, a strong black-and-white brow pattern, an orange-suffused crown and chest, and slightly down curved dark bill. The Indian Courser inhabits dry open spaces, including rocky plains and arid areas with scattered scrubs and gathers in small flocks outside of the breeding season.
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Short-eared Owl
The Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus) is a widespread grassland species in the (family Strigidae). Owls belonging to genus Asio are known as the eared owls, as they have tufts of feathers resembling mammalian ears. These "ear" tufts may or may not be visible. Asio flammeus will display its tufts when in a defensive pose, although its very short tufts are usually not visible. The short-eared owl is found in open country and grasslands.
#wildartworks, #Canon, #PromediagearTR424L, #Bird, #birdofprey, #Birdinginthewild, #BirdWatching, #naturephotography, #your_best_birds, #planetbirds, #earthcapture, #photo_pond, #earthpix, #naturyst, #conservationphotography, #bhigwan, #bhigwanbirdsanctuary, #kumbhargaon, #yenkathalagrasslands, #yenkathala, #telanganabirds, #indian_wildlifes, #indianwildlifeofficial, #wildlifeonearth, #bbcearth, #natgeowild, #natgeoindia, @globalcapture, #shortearedowl, #owl, #raptor,